Top 10 Different Types of Liars and How to Deal with Them

Top 10 Different Types of Liars and How to Deal with Them

Top 10 Different Types of Liars and How to Deal with Them. Welcome to the grand tour of the Deception Olympics where the competitors range from the harmlessly fibbing to the masters of the long con. With all seriousness, deception, in its many forms, is a craft as old as the conversation itself. And grasping

Top 10 Signs You’re More Attractive Than You Think

Top 10 Signs You're More Attractive Than You Think

We will learn 10 signs you’re more attractive than you think. Do you look in the mirror, or at photos, feeling underwhelmed by what you see? Do compliments about your looks make you cringe? If doubts and criticism dominate your inner monologue about your looks, you might be underestimating your attractiveness significantly. And you’re not

Brain Damage: Top 10 Worst Habits That Damage Your Brain

Top 10 Worst Habits That Damage Your Brain

We will learn about the 10 Worst Habits that Damage Your Brain. Our brains are remarkably complex organs, composed of billions of interconnected neurons that allow us to perceive the world around us, think critically, experience emotions, and form memories. Yet as sophisticated as the brain is, it is also vulnerable to gradual damage from

Top 10 Reasons Why Smart People Have Fewer Friends

Top 10 Reasons Why Smart People Have Fewer Friends

We will learn about 10 reasons why smart people have fewer friends. Imagine the quiet, academic person at school or the introverted creator. These are two of the most common archetypes of highly intelligent people – and they also reflect two different kinds of intelligence technical and creative. Yet, they have one other thing in

Top 10 Things Bad Guys Do When They Know You Know

Top 10 Things Bad Guys Do When They Know You Know

We will learn about 10 things Bad Guys do when they know you know. The world is full of complicated people. Most people have some virtues and some vices. Maybe they are loving and kind to their community and to their family, but at work they participate in immoral practices. Or maybe they give a

Top 10 Signs You Have a Lone Wolf Personality

Top 10 Signs You Have a Lone Wolf Personality

We will learn about the Top 10 signs you have a Lone Wolf personality. The “lone wolf” personality is a fascinating and often misunderstood archetype in psychology. In essence, it describes a fiercely independent individual. This does not mean that they are antisocial or lack social skills, but rather that they find strength and comfort

Top 10 Signs Your Crush Does If They Like You

Top 10 Signs Your Crush Does If They Like You

We will learn about 10 Signs Your Crush Does If They Like You. Virtually everyone in the world has had this exact same experience: you like someone. Maybe it’s a coworker or someone from school or university. Maybe it’s someone from your religious group or coed sports team. But you like them, and you’re sure